Dec 3, 2019 | Fund-raising, Outside works
Support track renewal at The National Tramway Museum – Winter 2019-20 A lot of the tramway track at Crich Tramway Village has been in place for over fifty years. Particular sections now need to be renewed. We will be replacing the section known as ‘the Bandstand...
Nov 20, 2018 | Fund-raising, Latest News

In January 2018 The Tramway Museum began a fundraising campaign to buy a 1913 Leyland ‘Combination Car’ motorbus. The Museum has now raised the £65,000 needed for the purchase, thanks to many generous donations and a grant of £45,000 from The H.B. Allen Charitable Trust.
Aug 7, 2018 | Community, Fund-raising, Latest News
Some of the Crich Tramway Village volunteers, who also work at Nottingham Express Transit (NET) have raised funds for two charities. A special trip to NET was advertised at £30 per ticket and included a behind-the-scenes tour of the Wilkinson Street depot and trip on...
Feb 26, 2018 | Fund-raising, Latest News
In January this year, we began an appeal to raise funds for the purchase of Car No. 5, a trial tramway replacement service bus operated by Barnsley & District Electric Traction Company, from and later by British Electric Traction Group. Thanks to the generosity of...