Glasgow Corporation Tramways No. 1068

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Glasgow 1068

Photo: Jim Dignan

Glasgow 1068 was commissioned and built in 1919 for the Paisley District Tramways Company, where it operated as number 68. Although it was unusual for tramcars of this era to be supplied without a top cover, the existence of a low bridge on one of Paisley’s main routes precluded the adoption of such refinements. Consequently, in its original guise the tram’s lower deck was modelled on tramcars of the LCC’s “M” class (dating back to 1908), with which it shared most of the components

Postcard showing Paisley tramcar at Causeyside from Canal Station. Photo courtesy of Crich TMS photo archive

After just four years in service, however, Paisley’s trams were taken over by their larger neighbour – Glasgow Corporation – and, like the tramway itself, number 68’s original identity was lost in the process. Effectively it was gradually converted into a Glasgow ‘Standard’ (number 1068) by the addition, firstly, of a top cover with open balconies and vestibules in 1924, followed by full enclosure together with the provision of a new truck and higher speed motors in 1931.


Type of tram
Open-topped double deck four-wheeled electric passenger tram
Originally red and cream (Paisley District Tramways) Orange and cream with blue route colour (Glasgow Corporation Tramways)
Seating capacity
Date built
Manufacturer of body
Hurst Nelson Co. Ltd
Manufacturer of truck
Brill 21E type
Original: 4’ 7¾” Current: 4’ 8½”
MV 101DR 2 x 60 hp
Current collector

Rebuilt 1924 (top cover and vestibules added) and 1931 (totally enclosed and given a new truck and higher speed motors).

Withdrawn from service


Subsequent history

Initially presented to the Scottish Tramway Museum Society for preservation, the tramcar was briefly exhibited in Paisley for the Golden Jubilee of the city’s tramways and, after a period in storage, was then moved to Crich in September 1960 after undergoing minor remedial work in Glasgow’s Coplawhill Works.

Restoration history

Partial restoration in 1967/8 under the auspices of the Manpower Services Commission Job Creation Programme, as a result of which it reverted to open-topped condition while retaining many of the features it acquired in Glasgow (including non-authentic truck, motors and controllers). In addition, it still lacks the high upper deck railings with which it was originally equipped.
2012 – restoration as Glasgow 1068 involving a change of livery and a truck overhaul, which has allowed it to return to passenger service.

Current status
Restored in operational condition but not currently commissioned for service.
Date started operating at Crich
1978 -as Paisley 68. Operated in 29 seasons, most recently in 2009. Then appeared in 2012 as Glasgow 1068 and has operated in 5 seasons, most recently in 2016.
Total mileage covered at Crich
21,327 as Paisley 68 (plus an additional 3,776 miles at the Glasgow garden festival). And 4,514 as Glasgow 1068. Total Crich mileage is 25,841
Current location
  • 1919 – 1923Operational on original tramway
  • 1923 – 1953Operational on original tramway after takeover by neighbouring corporation
  • 1953 – 1960In storage and undergoing restoration
  • 1960 – 1967Undergoing restoration at Crich
  • 1968 – 2009Operational at Crich as Paisley 68 for most of this period with a brief visit to the Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988
  • 2009 – 2012Undergoing overhaul
  • 2012 –Operational at Crich as Glasgow 1068 until 2016 but currently on display in the depots

Crich Tramway Village is a brand name for the National Tramway Museum (Accredited with Arts Council England), solely owned and operated by The Tramway Museum Society, incorporated in England with liability by guarantee (no. 744229). Registered charity number 313615. Our ICO number is Z6700136.