We announced recently that Porto works car 65 is being transferred to our friends up at Beamish, the Living History Museum of the North. But before going to Beamish the vehicle will be one of the stars of Saturday’s Tram Day event (10th September).
The tram has been at our offsite store since it arrived in 2005 and on Tuesday 6th September we spent the day extracting the vehicle from our store, so we could bring it up to the Museum ready for Saturday.
65’s body separated from its truck and being placed on the trailer, 2005.
When the vehicle was delivered to us in 2005 it had been separated from its truck, and so part of Tuesday’s exercise was to reunite the two parts.
In order to reunite 65’s truck and body, we needed to extract the truck first, which had been stored on top of a spare Blackpool truck and then lift it up and over onto the trailer from Scott’s Heavy Haulage.
65’s truck waiting for Blackpool tower to be moved off, and then lifted onto the waiting trailer.
65’s truck being lifted over onto the trailer.
The next step was to shuffle some bits around, including some lifting jacks so that we had a clear path for 65’s body to be pulled out of the store. The body had been stored on a temporary accommodation truck, so was lifted off of this and then reunited with its truck, already in position on the trailer.
Once all that was done, it was time to tidy up and head up to the Museum. Unloading took place the following day and 65 is now ready for Saturday’s event.